Contact Vintage Ceiling Fans
Please Read the Following before contacting:
If you're wanting to sell your ceiling fan, questions 1 - 3 may not apply to you. Please scroll down to question 4 |
Questions 1 - 3 are the common questions I receive that I have no time to get to |
Question 1: One of the blade brackets on my ceiling fan was accidentally broken, Do you happen to have one?
Answer 1: I don't sell ceiling fans or parts. You can try
Switchco They have various sizes that may fit. You can also check your local Dan's Fans, they may have the size you need as well.
Question 2: The original wall speed control for my ceiling fan has quit working, do you have a wall control for my ceiling fan?
Answer 2: Home Depot, Dan's Fans, and many other sources sell wall controls that will work. Transformer based controls seem to be more universal and works with most ceiling fans without issues. I believe you can find them with 3 and 4 speeds.
Question 3: My question is not answered here.
Answer 3: There is a more detailed Frequently Asked Questions page
Here. If your question is still not answered. Feel free to send an E-mail.
Sell Your Old Ceiling Fan |
Question 4: I have a ceiling fan I want to get rid of, are you interested?
Answer 4: Yes, Let's see what you have. Please send me some pictures and detailed info and we will go from there. Please note, if you are looking to get an arm and a leg for it, you may want to refrain from messaging me, I normally buy fans between $20 to $50 (Give or take), and of course I would pay for the shipping costs on top of a deal. Please use the E-mail button below to send an E-mail.